What is a karmic soulmate?

What is a karmic soulmate?

The concept of a karmic soulmate originates from the belief in karma, which is a spiritual concept from Hinduism, Buddhism, and other Eastern religions. According to this belief, karma is the sum of one's actions in past and present lives, and it determines one's fate in future lives.

A karmic soulmate is someone who comes into your life to teach you a lesson or to help you grow spiritually. This person may have a profound impact on your life, and you may feel a strong connection to them, even though the relationship may be tumultuous or short-lived.

Karmic soulmates are believed to be connected through past lives, and they come together in this life to work through unresolved issues or to help each other progress on their spiritual journeys. They may bring challenges or difficulties into your life, but ultimately, the goal is to learn from these experiences and to evolve as a soul.

It's important to note that not all soulmate relationships are karmic, and not all karmic relationships are soulmate connections. Karmic relationships can also occur with family members, friends, or even strangers who come into your life for a specific purpose. The key is to recognize the lessons that these relationships bring and to use them as opportunities for growth and self-awareness.

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